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Manoj lk- AI Automation Maestro

I am your go-to wizard in AI automation and Chatbots, specializing in transforming digital chaos into streamlined success through my tech alchemy and notable client victories by blending innovative solutions with strategic plan.

🚀 Manoj's Adventure in Tech: From 2019's First Lines of Code to 2023's AI Triumphs

2017-18: Humble Beginnings & A Smartphone Spark

Back in the day, I was just like a lot of young folks, wanting to do something big with my life but not really knowing how. Like many teens, I thought I knew it all, but really, I was just figuring things out. When I was in 12th grade in 2016, I struggled a lot in school and even failed some subjects, which I couldn't pass even after multiple attempts. I didn't realize how important college was back then.

I grew up without much money, so I didn't have a computer or anything fancy. But when I was 17 or 18, my dad got me my first smartphone, and that's when I started to see things differently. I realize now how hard it was for my parents to give me things when I wasn't exactly the best kid.

I took a 6-7 month computer course which had some coding in it, and that's when I started to think I could really make something of myself. I even started a YouTube channel, making videos about apps and tech stuff, but that didn't go too well and eventually got shut down.

After that, I started trying out different things. I won't bore you with the tough times because everyone has their own struggle stories, right? But I believe those tough times are what push you to chase your dreams.

One thing for which I'm thankful is that I began my journey thanks to Jio's free internet service in India. It was launched at just the right time and was free to use. Had Jio not been launched for free, I'm not sure I would be doing what I am today.

2019: Where It All Began and The Entrepreneurial Leap

2019 was the year I dove headfirst into the digital deep end. As someone with zero knowledge of where to begin, I felt completely lost. I started off by doing small web design projects, doing little to nothing substantial. I was unhappy with my progress and wasn't earning enough.

Then, I caught the entrepreneurial bug – big time. I stepped up and started Paidboom, a web hosting company offering various web hosting packages. I made tons of mistakes with Paidboom, more than I care to admit. However, I am thankful for those mistakes, as they shaped me in ways I needed to develop.

Following this, I launched extensive promotional activities for Paidboom, reaching out to YouTubers and influencers to promote it. I knew that if I managed to effectively market Paidboom, I could turn my life around. Everything was going well; the promotional activities were successful, generating good revenue.

2020: Spreading My Wings

All of a sudden, I didn't know what had happened, but I stopped focusing on Paidboom. My priorities started to change because what I thought was good money from Paidboom revenue wasn't enough to cover the basic needs of life.

In 2020, during the COVID pandemic, I couldn't focus on Paidboom, so I started another project called WPZonify. It was all about giving WordPress sites the care they needed. I got some decent clients, but again, I lost interest after a while.

2021: The Automation Chapter

In 2021, it was time to switch gears. While I wouldn't say I started my automation journey that year, as it began earlier, I did officially start focusing more on it then. It felt like coming home. I couldn't concentrate on Paidboom or wpzonify for a reasons. It was all because my destiny was to creatively tackle critical problems that I could solve.

I absorbed all the knowledge I could find and practiced extensively. It wasn't hard for me, as I have always had an interest in creating and tackling challenging tasks.

It truly felt like home to me. 2021 was the year I really delved into automation. I had been interested in it for some time, but that was when I truly immersed myself. I learned and practiced as much as possible. It seemed like this was what I was destined to do all along.

2022-23: Living a dream

Since 2022, things have been really positive for me. I've had the opportunity to collaborate with various clients on some creative projects that I'm genuinely proud of and Sold Paidboom so that I can focus more on what I love.

Nowadays, my primary focus is on automation, chatbots, and AI, and I make extensive use of tools like ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. Reflecting on my journey, it's incredible to think that I went from a teenager with just a smartphone to being deeply involved in automation & now AI.

This transformation is a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and a little luck. It shows that with the right mindset and effort, anyone can achieve remarkable things.

2024: Best things

A lot of things will happen.